Carrie Ann (Nix) Blakey

Our studio owner, Carrie Blakey, passed away on the evening of Tuesday, January 30. She will always be cherished, loved, and remembered at Steppin’ Out. She had a special place in her heart for every one of her dancers.

Thank you to all who have and will be here for the family and the studio. We appreciate all of you.

2 thoughts on “Carrie Ann (Nix) Blakey

  1. I’m so sorry to hear about your loss. I went to high school with Carrie and we were very good friends! We cheered and danced together and I have many fond memories of her. We used to cruise around El Paso in her Mom and Dad’s station wagon…LOL. She was pretty quiet but her voice came out through her dance. You are in my thoughts and I pray for comfort during this difficult time. Loretta

  2. Carrie and I have been dance studio friends for over a decade and shared many things in common. She always treated me with the atmost kindness and generosity. She was a great friend, never one to complain and always willing to help out someone in need. I’m ashamed to not have known sooner about her battle with cancer and passing. I wish I could’ve been a better friend to her during her great time of need, in my heart I trust she knows how much she was cared about. The void of her not being here any longer in this physical world is only comforted by the fact of all who carry her in their hearts. RIP dear one and dance on in that big blue open sky. Much love and light, Desiree LaVigne-Roan

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