Team Tryouts

2022-2023 TEAM TRYOUTS

If your dancer is interested in being on the Steppin’ Out competitive team, tryouts will be held on June 4!

June 4th 2:00-4:30 p.m. Tryouts
June 5th 3:00 p.m. Parent Meeting

If your dancer is not able to be at tryouts or you cannot be at the parent meeting, please text Hayley at 405-532-4852.

Sign up link :

Detailed information for recital

Place and Date:

Minco High School Auditorium, 701 SW 3rd St., Minco

Friday, May 5, 2022 – Company Show (team dancers are the only ones performing)

Saturday, May 6, 2022 – Full Recital (recreational & team dancers)


Every family receives tickets for the recital. You will receive two tickets for the first dancer in your family and an additional ticket for each additional dancer. Please go to the office this week and pick up your tickets. If you would like to buy additional tickets, they are $3 in advance and $5 at the door. Advance tickets are nonrefundable and must be paid for before the studio closes on Thursday, May 5.

Dancers during the show:

We will have large dressing room areas for the dancers. Please feel free to leave your dancer in their assigned dressing room area during the recital, and pick them up at the stage after finale. You are also welcome to keep your dancer with you during the show, but they must be in their assigned room backstage SIX DANCES before their dance. We will NOT hold the show for any dancer not in place when it is time for them to go on stage. After their number, you can pick them up in their assigned dressing room or let them stay there for the rest of the show. We will have videos for them to watch and adult supervision in each area.


All dancers will be in the finale together and take a final bow at the end. Please plan to stay after your dancer’s number, so they can take a bow for a job well done!


Every family will receive a link to all of the professional photography and video from the recital. That link will be shared on our facebook group and via email later this summer, after it is edited. Please do not take any video during recital or use flash photography. If you do choose to take photos, make sure the flash is off and please do not hold your camera where it will block other audience members or the professional photo/video team.


Please show the dancers the respect they deserve for all their hard work and do not enter or exit while a performance is taking place on stage. If you need to leave the audience for any reason, please time it so it is between dances.


Miss Briana is sending a separate email with specific information for her young dancers. If you have questions for other teachers, please check with them for hairstyle, makeup, and other questions.


We are encouraging everyone to provide food for their dancers, and they are allowed to eat and drink in their assigned area. Bring clean snacks to help keep the area and your child’s costume clean (no cheese-dust covered snacks or melty chocolates, etc!) Please only bring clear liquids for your dancer (preferably bottled water) with a lid. Please make sure your dancer’s area is clean after the recital.


We will NOT have a florist at the recital this year, so if you would like to give gifts or flowers to your dancers, you need to bring them. This isn’t required, but many people do this for their dancers. If you would like to give gifts to your dancer’s teachers or student teachers, it works better to bring them to dance the week after recital, since recital is a very busy time for teachers and staff.

Ideas of optional things to bring:

Ponytail holders, safety pins, hair spray, comb/brush, coloring books or quiet activities for backstage (no markers, please), makeup, costume steamer, stain wipes, blanket and pillow. We recommend not sendingg phones or tablets – they will be unsupervised while dancers are on stage and we cannot be responsible.

Classes after recital:

We will be having classes for TWO WEEKS after recital. The first week will be our party week. Feel free to bring snacks and drinks to share with the entire class. The second week is our makeup week for missing class during winter. The students will be playing games and using the mats during that week, and attendance is optional.

May tuition:

Just a reminder that we DO NOT charge tuition in May! Your payment in August covers both the two weeks of August and the two weeks of May.

Outstanding balances:

If you have an outstanding balance, it is due before recital. Please make sure to check your parent portal to see what your balance is or check in the office. If you normally pay through autodraft, those will be run on THURSDAY, MAY 5.

Summer Classes/Camps:

We have not yet finalized the schedule for our summer classes and camps, but it should be ready soon! We will be emailing those out as soon as they are ready and putting it on the facebook group.

Team Auditions:

Saturday, June 4, 2-4:30 p.m. If your dancer is interested in team, mark your calendars. We will be sending out a separate email with additional information.

Program Ads

It’s time to start thinking about the recital programs, and any ads you would like to place! Our glossy, full-color program is a wonderful keepsake for years to come, and many families choose to purchase ads to showcase their dancers with photos and messages that are as unique as they are!

We have forms at the studio or can send you one digitally to fill out and return.

If you have any questions about the programs or ads, you can ask any teacher or staff member at Steppin’ Out. We will also have programs in the studio for you to look at.

Deadline for ads is April 14.

Picture Week!

We hope you are enjoying Spring Break and we’re looking forward to seeing everyone next week! We will be having picture week March 28-31.

For picture week: Dancers will be taking pictures during regular class time. Please come with hair and makeup ready.

Hair down. Curled or straight. If your costume came with a hair piece, you can determine how to wear it as a group.
Makeup is not required. You can do as much or a little as you are comfortable with. If you choose to do makeup, we recommend: neutral (browns) eyeshadow, mascara, eyebrow fill to match their natural color, bronzer or blush, clear lipgloss or chapstick. Please no lip color for pictures, so that everyone is the same.
You should be receiving tan tights with the costume. As with everything else, we’re having trouble getting them in. If we do not have tights for pictures, we’ll not use tights. We will have them by recital for sure.

Summer Schedule

Summer Classes will begin on Tuesday, June 2! Head over to our Registration Page and get ready for a summer of fun!

Picture Week

Steppin’ Out Dance Studio Picture Week for 2021 will be March 29 – April 1. Please check with your child’s teacher for specific details.